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Selected Articles

Cenkner, D., Yeomans, P., Antal, C., & Scott, J. (2020). A Pilot Study of a Moral Injury Group Intervention Using a Chaplain-Psychologist Co-Facilitation. Journal of Traumatic Stress.

Antal. C., Yeomans, P., East. R., Hickey, D., Kalkstein, S., Brown, K.M., & Kaminstein, D.S. (2019). Transforming Veteran identity through community engagement: a chaplain-psychologist collaboration to address moral injury.  Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 1-29.

Yeomans, P. (2017). Use of internet resources to support Prolonged Exposure for combat-related PTSD.  Cognitive Behavioral Practice. 25, 70-74.

Yeomans, P. & Ross, R.J.  (2016). Removing barriers in the assessment of combat-related PTSD.  Military Medicine, 181, 625-626.

Yeomans, P. (2013, January 5). Combat veterans may have the antidote to what ails us. Huffington Post.



Cold Mountain Counseling, LLC

Peter Yeomans, Ph.D., M.Ed.

License #PS016735

© 2021 Cold Mountain Counseling


Tel: 267-263-7507 

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